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Ecological Excursion in Tossa de Mar

Ecology in the environment of Tossa de MarIn our environment nothing occurs by mere chance. All what happens in nature is closely related to the history of our soil, the climate, the conditions of the soil, the winds. Evolution is the symbiosis between micro-organisms, animals, plants and men.
This "stability of life" is explained during our ecological walks in the surroundings of Tossa de Mar. You discover - without any effort - how the first plants have created the base so that higher plants could appear and how they become, for example, Mediterranean plants. You will discover symbiosis, adaptation to aridity as well as the consequences of the human influence.
To take part, you do not need elementary knowledge in ecology or botany. Our introduction into ecology of plants is adapted to neophytes who do not need anything else than convenient shoes and who are able to open eyes and ears. You do not learn the scientific vocabulary either; you will discover ecology the soft way.
Our circuit in the shade of the Mediterranean trees starts in Tossa de Mar and ends there. You traverse approximately five kilometres and the walk - with a pause of 30 minutes and a lot of explanations - takes three to four hours - according to your thirst for knowing.
Fees par person: 6 Euros
Fees for guidance of groups on request.
Phone: (0034) 677 103 925
If you have additional questions you can contact us by e-mail.