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Digital Photography in Tossa de Mar

The Illa of TossaThe classical photographs were replaced by digitalized images in practically each field. Even people who did not dare to touch a "traditional" apparatus agreed to take a step into the world of digital photography. The fear of paying missed photos is over and a digital camera does not weigh much in the family budget.
But this evolution could not change an elementary point: the disappointment to discover, once back home, that the family is only one small point in front of the church, that the Mediterranean Sea appears fuzzy and that the castle disappears behind the "fog". Or worse, than the arrival by boat, once printed on paper, resembles a composition of colour points. It also happens that the colors are not those which the photographer saw when he took the picture or that the frontlight destroyed the last photos of the holidays.
To arm yourself against all these small or large breakdowns you can take part in our training course in Tossa de Mar which teaches you the secrecies of the professionals and shows you how to take pictures which reveal style and technique.
Fees par person: 8 Euros
Fees for groups on request.
Phone: (0034) 677 103 925
If you have additional questions you can contact us by e-mail.