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Medicinal Herbs around Tossa de Mar

flowers of Aloe veraDiscover with us the unexpected richness of medicinal plants that Tossa de Mar offers. More than 100 species are on the left and on the right side of the shaded path. Even in summer we escape here the heat and can admire the flowers and herbs. And don't forget, near the Mediterranean Sea we have season all the year round.
Our walks are for everyone who did not forget to come with convenient shoes and who is ready to forget the beach for a few hours. On the other hand, together, we will discover the unknown world of the medicinal plants around Tossa de Mar.
Our circuit is approximately five km long and the highest point of the shaded path does not exceed 114 meter. Here you will discover an unforgettable view over the Mediterranean Sea. If we consider the time for explanations and a small pause at the half of the excursion, it is necessary to count with three to four hours of walk.
Questions are welcome and when we take a rest with a view on the "eighth wonder of the world" in blue you will discover - medicinal plants apart - even something about "bunyoles", "sardana", "Lluis Llach", "cim i tomba" and the "focs de la Sant Joan".
Fees par person: 6 Euros
Fees for guidance of groups on request.
Phone: (0034) 677 103 925
If you have additional questions you can contact us by e-mail.